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Women are the sexiest in the thirties

Women in their late twenties and early thirties have something that young girls lacking – self-confidence, and that is what makes them attractive.

women on rock

Women are at their peak of beauty and attraction to the age of 31 was confirmed by recent research. With age a person becomes aware of its quality, and the women do then usually already developed its own style of dress and makeup, which makes it stand out from the crowd.

Women in their late twenties and early thirties have something that young girls lacking – self-confidence, and that is what makes them attractive to a survey conducted on more than 2,000 men and women.

This confirmed what for years has been the story: the beauty of an individual depends more on attitude and on how we experience ourselves, rather than the physical characteristics.

About 70 percent of respondents as a key factor that makes a woman attractive signaled confidence, 67 percent of physical beauty, and for 47 per cent of respondents sexy woman who has style.

Two-thirds of respondents agree with the thesis that beauty comes with age. More than half of respondents lady believes that all uncertainty is slowly disappearing in the thirties, and sex appeal is growing with confidence.

As many as 55 percent of women surveyed admitted that they were only about thirty years taught makeup according to your skin tone and facial features.

This survey confirms that beauty is more than just good looks – it’s a combination of confidence, style, and what makes us special …


Photo by Frank Kovalchek / CC BY

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