Lose weight with the help of healthy green vegetables
Broccoli is one of the healthiest food in the world. Although a lot of people do not like the taste of this delicious vegetable, broccoli can be an important ally in the fight against excess weight. Especially if you hold the diet with which you can lose weight and up to 17 pounds in 10 days.
Healthy broccoli
Before embarking on this diet, it’s good to know a little more about this green bouquet that contains twice as much vitamin A and C than an orange, and with it a lot of B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, zinc, iron and potassium. Broccoli also has a lot of fiber and folic acid.
Studies have shown that broccoli vegetables with the highest concentration of anti-cancer substances, and that’s not all – one cup of broccoli has only 44 calories. Looking at all this is not surprising as broccoli gives excellent results in weight loss in just a few days.
Broccoli diet in 5 phases
Broccoli diet designed for maximum weight loss over a period of 10 days. During those 10 days were divided into five phases, each of which lasts two days. The first six days are the main phase, and the next four days are optional.
It would be best to get food fresh broccoli, steamed or shortcooked – because the only way they keep all their valuable nutrients. If you plan to cook broccoli, do not cook for 5 minutes.
In this diet on the menu, along with the main food broccoli, carrots, fish, chicken, lean beef (beef, veal), rye bread, olive oil, peppers, tomatoes and low-fat yogurt or milk. Salt is allowed, but in limited quantities. In other words – use it as little as possible – just so that the food would not betasteless. As a snack you can eat fruit, just avoid or reduce your intake of that with a higher sugar content.
In the ten days, drink more water, at least 2 liters a day and are allowed and unsweetened tea several times a day, and a maximum of coffee twice a day.
1st and 2nd day
- 200 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed)
- 50 grams of rye bread
- 1 cup low-fat yogurt or milk
- 250 ml low-fat chicken broth
- 150 g chicken (boiled or baked without fat)
- 150 g of steamed broccoli
- 250 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed) seasoned with garlic and a little olive oil
- 2 carrots (raw or steamed)
3rd and 4th day
- 200 grams of broccoli and one pepper – raw or steamed in olive oil and garlic
- 100 grams of tuna or cooked chicken
- 150 grams of broccoli – steamed or braised in port and olive oil
- 2 medium-sized tomatoes
- same as breakfast
5th and 6th day
- 100 g lean ham (preferably turkey or chicken)
- 100 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed)
- 1 low-fat yogurt
- 200 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed)
- 100 grams of low fat cottage cheese
- 1 slice of rye bread
- 150 grams of lean beef (or beef / veal) cooked or baked without fat
- 150 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed)
Optional steps:
7th and 8th day
- 100 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed)
- 2 boiled eggs
- 250 ml low-fat chicken broth
- 150 g chicken (boiled or baked without fat)
- 150 g of steamed broccoli
- 250 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed)
- 1 cup of tomato juice
9th and 10th day
- 150 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed)
- 2 carrots (raw or steamed)
- 1 cup low-fat yogurt or milk
- 150 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed)
- 150 g of fish or chicken (cooked or baked, seasoned with a little olive oil)
- 1 slice of rye bread
- 200 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed)
- 1 potato, cooked in a crust
Extra tips
This is not a long term diet plan already depleting diet that produces results. However, chances are that you will quickly saturate eating broccoli. If you believe that this diet is not for you – any more broccoli try to include in your diet because it is really healthy and filling. If you are disciplined and reduce the amount of food intake and increase your intake of broccoli – it will help you lose weight and detoxify the body.
If you do not like the taste of broccoli – try raw broccoli that has a softer and fresher taste. Try fresh broccoli slaw to put in – with tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh cabbage, radishes and fresh cauliflower.
What say nutritionists?
Nutritionists have questioned this diet and agree that it has positive and negative sides. The biggest negative thing is that you eat so much broccoli, and that means a lot of fiber, which can cause indigestion and wind. Broccoli too can lead to reduced absorption of certain minerals such as iron and zinc.
But this short-term diet plan has a lot more positive side and this is really a great diet for detoxification which is especially recommended for smokers detoxification of nicotine and other toxins in cigarettes. Broccoli is also an excellent source of folic acid which is important for women’s health.
Photo by whologwhy | Photo by Ginny / CC BY