Most people are convinced that if do not exercise every day, will not achieve significant results.
Most people are convinced that if you do not exercise every day, you will not achieve significant benefits and positive effects on health and form.
However, recently conducted research shows the opposite – a leisurely approach to the deployment exercise is often more useful and better than intense daily exercise.
As part of this research, which was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, gathered 72 older women, aged 60-74 years, who mostly spend time sitting and distribute them randomly into one of three groups for practice.
One group started with weight training once a week, to work and endurance exercises, such as jogging and bike exercise bike. The second group is lifting weights twice a week and running vehicles or stationary bike twice a week. The last group is, as you might imagine, doing exercises with weights and resistance training six times a week (three days a week they lift weights, and three times drove stationary bike or ran).
Over a period of four months, as the study lasted, intensity and duration of exercise were gradually increased, to the point where women have begun to run 40 minutes and lift weights at almost the same time.
Certain earlier studies imply that individuals who exercise regularly once or twice a week achieved good physical shape over time, while those who exercise vigorously every day eventually reduce the intensity of physical activity that would eventually become less physically active or practiced a smaller amount of exercise.
By the end of the four-month investigation, all the women achieved greater durability and better physical shape and lose fat and weight, although weight loss was not really a topic of research.
Women who exercised four times a week, spending a total of more power than women in the other two groups. Compared with the amount of calories you are burning a at the beginning and during the experiment, before the end of the women consumed an additional 225 calories each day (in addition to those that are consumed during exercise).
“We think that women who exercised 02:04 times a week had more energy and were physically capable, after several months of practice than the start of the study,” said study leader Gary Hunter.
Nevertheless, those who insist on exercising six times a week should not be discouraged, despite the warning. Namely, if follows that the level of activity in accordance with the information, there will be no reduction in the unconscious physical activity.