To the researchers, regular exercise, a Mediterranean diet, maintaining a normal weight and absence of cigarette prevent heart problems, prolong life and make humans much more vital.
A large study led by Dr. Haiti Ahmet, from the Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease, show that simple changes in lifestyle will reduce the risk of death from all causes by 80 percent. U.S. experts argue that the vitality of the most effective lifestyle above all renunciation of cigarettes, then the Mediterranean diet, exercising regularly and maintaining a normal body weight. Leave cigarettes for longer and healthier life.
To our knowledge this is the first study that correlates low-risk lifestyle and heart disease during a relatively short period. We assessed data taken from more than 6,200 men and women of all races, who are old between from 44-84 years. All of them were followed for more than seven years. It turned out that 80 percent of respondents who were healthy during the period lived, had no health problems. – Said Ahmet Haitman.
During the study, the researchers tracked and observed whether subjects have heart problems. Senior researcher on the study, a cardiologist and professor of medicine, Roger Blumental, presented the conclusion that smoking is the strongest risk factor for heart disease and blood vessels.
Even smokers who adopt other healthy lifestyle habits, however, had a lower survival rate than those patients who were overweight or inactive. A bunch of evidence suggests that a diet rich in vegetables, fruit, hazelnut or almond and fish, along with physical activity and giving up cigarettes, does improves the overall health of the body-says Dr. Blumental.
The researchers believe that this study not only helps in the fight against heart disease, but can be exploited in reducing mortality from all causes.
There are factors that can not be controlled, such as age and genetic inheritance, but habits are something we can influence, and they can significantly improve general health and reduce the risk of death. Changing the way we think about life and the adoption of healthy lifestyles, can save lives – concluded at the end of Dr. Ahmet.
Research from the American Association for heart disease found that people who respect the way of life conducive to heart health have a 38 percent lower risk of contracting the disease.