Maybe the last few years it seems that the gluten-free diet fad clear that practice even those who are not intolerant, but we will now discover the disease that are caused by gluten.
Most people are avoiding foods that are rich in gluten because of celiac disease or because their organism is simply sensitive to the ingredients they contain, and are difficult to digest. What most people do not know is that gluten can cause as much as 55 very common disease, and we are now discovering some of them, those most frequently.
What is gluten?
It is a protein found in wheat and other grains, including oats, rye, barley, and its traces can be found in most foods that we eat on a daily basis. Sensitivity to gluten is an autoimmune disease that creates inflammation throughout the body and affects the organ system, including the brain, heart, joints, digestive tract.
Here are just some of the diseases.
Osteoporosis. This is a disease that characterize the weakening of the bones and is characteristic of the somewhat older population and is responsible for over one million fractures annually. Recent research say they would like to osteoporosis prevention was well out dairy products and gluten from the diet, and taking calcium through leafy green vegetables and supplements. In any case, changes in diet can certainly improve the situation.
Irritable bowel syndrome. This is a chronic gastrointestinal disorder that affects between 7-20 percent of Americans. It usually manifests discomfort in the stomach 2-3 times per month as well as diarrhea and constipation at the same time. Studies have shown that there is a link between this disease and celiac disease as well as to patients after they eliminate gluten from the diet noticeably improves the condition and the symptoms are much milder.
Anemia. This is a blood condition caused by a reduced number of red blood cells or hemoglobin, which is the red pigment in these cells. Red blood cells are very important because they carry the oxygen to the organs. Deficiency or them or hemoglobin causes the body just does not work as it should. The most common causes of anemia are deficiencies in iron, folate or vitamin B12. Lack of folate and iron are also one of the main symptoms of celiac disease because these nutrients are absorbed in the upper part of the small intestine where usually occurs damage from celiac disease. Once the patient switch to gluten-free diet hose reel and absorb all the necessary nutrients.
Malnutrition. Small intestine is covered with a layer called the intestinal villa and this layer facilitates the absorption of nutrients from food. When someone suffers from celiac disease eat foods containing gluten body reacts by attacking the villa, which means that no matter how much you do not eat healthy body will not get the necessary nutrients that can izzavati numerous other problems and lead to malnutrition. Malnutrition as we know it is not thinness, but the lack of vital nutrients in the body.
The ulcers. There is ample evidence linking ulcers and gluten. The ulcers are small, very painful blisters that appear in the mouth, the inside of the lips and cheeks. One-bed research has shown that ulcers greatly less occur in people who do not consume gluten.
Rheumatoid arthritis. Still not entirely clear whether gluten causes rheumatoid arthritis, but scientists say it can certainly worsen. The immune system acted to gluten viewed as an enemy and as soon as it detects attacks by all available means which the organism causes a lot of inflammation in the intestines, but also in other organs and tissues. Doctors have noted that patients suffering from this disease, and do not eat gluten have a lot fewer problems than those who do not give up gluten.
Dermatitis. Intense itching, burning sensation and small blisters on the elbows, knees, buttocks and scalp may indicate that you should not eat gluten. However, in relation to the type of your intolerance, especially as you have celiac next ejection gluten you should use and certain medications.
If you suspect that you are intolerant to it, do not do anything on your own, to start see a doctor who will surely say to remove gluten from the diet, lies and subordinated to perform tests that will accurately determine the level of intolerance.