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Mango in the baby’s diet

Mango is healthy for your baby, but although some pediatricians give the green light for the introduction of this fruit, but with 6 months, most still agree that with its introduction should wait until the 8th month, when we start to introduce and citrus due to possible allergic reactions.

mango baby food

How to choose appropriate fruit and how to store?

Mango does not belong to the fruit that is sprayed and that is contaminated with pesticides, and therefore choice to buy organic is up to you, but is not required or necessary.

When choosing fruit, it should be soft when squeezed, but not so much that you keep track of your fingers. Mango is usually reddish orange or golden yellow with a hint of orange. Avoid those fruits that have traces of bruises. Is not necessary to refrigerate but it is recommended that they are bought day for day.

Why is mango good for your baby?

Mango is full of vitamin A and contains a high level of carotenoids as well as almost any other fruit. For carotenoids is said that it reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease, but we’re not going that far, furthers the strengthening of the organism and a common cold.

Mango contains few calories and fat, but has a high percentage of fibers that aid digestion of your baby. Also, mango contains vitamin C and B, as well as iron, potassium and protein, which are necessary for the growth of your baby. To a lesser amount also contains vitamin K and E, magnesium and calcium.


Mango is one of the tropical fruits, and therefore carries risks as well as most other tropical fruits. It is not known mango can cause allergies which may endanger the life of your child has allergies that can generally occur, they are caused by changes in the skin like a rash.

If your child is allergic to mango, it will have a reaction, and at the touch of mango peel or baths containing mango.

The very content of fruit will not cause any reaction, because it does not contain allergens, but if it happens that you are not well peeled mango may cause reactions in the child’s mouth or around the mouth, and even around the butt during the ejection seat.

How to prepare mango for baby?

When you introduce a baby mango, there is no need to boil or steam the case is ripe. However, if you decided to introduce a mango still a baby before attaining 8th month, you can cook briefly steamed to soften.

With what Mango may be mixed?

Mango goes well with the following:

  • Avocado
  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Peaches
  • Melons
  • Sweet red potatoes
  • Chicken
  • Pork
  • Yogurt

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