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The healthiest plant in the world – chokeberry

Chokeberry is a powerful, all-natural weapon in the prevention of disease. Most of all species is so called Siberian chokeberry that grows in the grip of a cold climate and unspoiled nature.

chokeberry on the tree

Chokeberry is also called the food of the future as it has been of great healing power of the human body. Effectively it is purified by the emission of heavy metals and therefore has a useful preventive against cancer. Studies have shown that there is an anti-cancer effect and, because of the high percentage of “killing” of malignant tumor cells are brain, lung, breast, colon and liver. As the outstanding antioxidant, chokeberry prevents the formation of free radicals and “attack” the healthy cells in the body and the blood plasma, thus slowing down the process of aging and prevents the development of chronic diseases.

Antioxidant capacity and its aronia juice is much higher than, for example, blueberries and other berries known as a breeding ground of antioxidants. A huge amount of tannins and flavonoids, where the main role is played by anthocyanin, chokeberry , make the strongest antioxidant known today. One hundred grams of ripe chokeberry contains 16 100 ORAC units while the daily dose required to protect tissues ranges from 3 000 to 5 000 ORAC units.

Numerous studies have found that this plant tamih berry improves blood circulation in the blood vessels, and everyday use of cholesterol and triglycerides are lowered and thus protects the cardiovascular system. Relieves headaches and migraines, effectively lowers blood pressure, and has a beneficial effect on the intestinal mucosa and stomach. In addition, the chokeberry is known for having lifted the entire immune system, reduces inflammation, prevents the development of viral and bacterial infections of the urinary tract, and provides improved performance of bile and liver. Ripe fruit and juice contain high amounts of beta-carotene and zeaxanthin, which protect cells from damage, the eyes of developing cataracts, and skin from harmful sun rays and melanoma. Regulates the operation of the pancreas and blood sugar levels, and thus may be useful in the treatment of diabetes and metabolic syndrome, and definitely recommended for diabetics. Also used for improper operation of the thyroid gland, promotes wound healing, slows aging by preventing the formation of wrinkles and stretch marks, and helps with inflammation and varicose veins. Chokeberry creates a strong protection against the onset of dementia and the onset of Alzheimer’s disease …

In addition, a real treasure trove of biologically active compounds. There are over 300. Since vitamin contains all the essential nutrients – C, A, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and the mineral is rich in zinc, iron, potassium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus and iodine.


There are numerous products of aronia in USA, such as juice and tea, but the berries are, for the effective performance and can be eaten fresh – and enough of them consume about 200 to 300 grams per day. How would we have consumed throughout the year, chokeberry can be frozen, dried, boil down as jam, juice, syrup, compote, wine, liquor, spirits. However, it is especially recommended cold-pressed juice, which is enough to drink once a day on an empty stomach and a glass of gin …

Reminiscent of blueberries, but …

Chokeberry are actually tiny, small, dark blue berries in clusters that look very similar to blueberry. Grow as a bush as high as two meters. Edible and medicinal plants are part of the berry tart flavor that after ripening on the bush can be held two months. It ripens in late August and in September. There are three types of Chokeberry – Black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa), burgundy (Aronia arbutifolia), and purple (Aronia prunifolia) and belong to the family of roses Rosacea. No no natural enemies or parasites, so this plant does not sprayed is rightfully known as the organically-grown berries …

What is a Siberian chokeberry and what’s the difference?

Thanks to a very well tolerated and winter frost and temperatures down to minus 47 degrees C and is due to Russia and Siberia. Extremely low temperatures on it does not leave any consequences. Siberian chokeberry or lat. Aronia melanocarpa has a very high percentage of polyphenols, vitamin C, E and beta-carotene, which makes it one of the most well-known and tested antioxidants.

Of all just Aronia melanocarpa highest quality. Better known also as the wild variety and usually per cluster carries only 10 to 15 berries, but because they are three times stronger, it is healthier than cultivated grafted varieties. Mineral-rich land of Russia provides a wide range of natural minerals, no additional fertilizers.

Russian biologist Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin even in the late 19th century researched and proved the power of aronia. Modern scholars are interested only in her 90s of the last century and was followed by a series of new studies conducted in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Poland, Canada, the US and Russia. It is interesting to mention that Aaron applied after the Chernobyl accident and to reduce symptoms of patients exposed to radiation …

Photo by Rhonda Fleming Hayes CC BY

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