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Milk diet

If you want to quickly lose weight without spending too much in the day (meaning again quick and short diet), you can use a milk diet. The effect of this diet is the loss about 2 kg for three days. Diet with yogurt that we already know (a lot of us have tried) is somewhat similar to the milk diet, but it is intended to hold more days – 10th

milk diet with cheese

Let’s start with the basic question: What is milk?

In the first place the milk is an important and useful product for men. In the composition of the milk, there are vitamin A, B, C, E, calcium, as well as many minerals, proteins. Drinking one liter of milk a day, fully meets the needs for protein. Dairy products also positively affect the entire digestive system, so whether you use milk for the purpose of weight loss or prevention – what should always be present in at least one meal in one of the various forms (cheese, yogurt …)

Milk diet lowers cholesterol, strengthens bones, nervous system, normalize intestinal function and promotes micro-flora. Also, this diet improves skin, and even helps you free from acne. Because the milk diet is so popular.

Using milk and dairy products during this diet you will not only lose the excess weight, but will also cater to your body useful substances, which will improve your health.

Milk Diet – Sample Menu

Before each meal, drink a glass of non-carbonated mineral water.

Breakfast: 1 yogurt, 1 banana, tea with honey or coffee with milk, no sugar.

Lunch: 100 grams of oatmeal in water or milk, 200g of cheese, 1 cup of milk.

Dinner: 1 boiled egg, cucumber salad topped with natural yoghurt or cottage cheese with fruit, 1 cup sour milk.

Evening meal: 1 pear, 2 dl yogurt

Hints and tips

  • During lactic children should reduce physical exertion and to stop play sport (which is not that big break because the diet lasts for 3 days).
  • When you are on the milk diet, try to bathe more often. So you can remove the stress of hunger and the water will wash away everything that comes from the body as it intensifies cleansing the body through the skin.
  • Milk diet can be repeated 7-10 days after the three-day cycle


Photo by Skånska Matupplevelser CC BY

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