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Three fighters against wrinkles

Scientists claim that wrinkles can be removed only with retinol, vitamin C and alpha hydroxy acids. This is because their molecules are small enough to penetrate the skin and work correctly.

wrinkles women


It is a derivative of vitamin A, which stimulates the production of collagen and removes stains on the skin. It gives the skin elasticity, and regular applications on skin becomes firmer. Wrinkles may be reduced up to 12, after eight weeks from the start of application of retinol. Creams based on the recommended applied retinol at night because the sunshine affects on their structure and their effect decreases.

Vitamin C

Increases elasticity of the skin, erases depigmentation spots and evens skin tone.

Alpha hydroxy acid

On the skin it acts like a scrub, removes dead cells and leaves the skin fresh. Because the layer of dead cells wrinkles appear and deeper than they really are. Alpha hydroxy acids can be found in the milk and the fruit. It is ideal for dry skin as it helps in retaining moisture.


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