Around the world, large numbers of women who have survived breast cancer or are struggling against this terrible disease. For all of them, in addition to treatment, the key is diet, lifestyle, and exercise.
What you eat and how to live during and after treatment with a decisive impact on the outcome. Of course, the lifestyle you have to adapt, and it is recommended that you turn on and light exercise.
The diet for the alleviation of the symptoms of breast cancer
After the operation is normal nausea and vomiting, especially if you have undergone chemotherapy or radiation. It can lead to loss of appetite, feeling of general weakness, sudden weight loss.
After treatment it is best to eat several small meals during the day instead of three large; Try to take protein shakes and yogurt instead of solid food, if you can not eat; you eat a light soup – chicken or vegetables.
You can try and protein powder, of course in consultation with the doctor. Enhance food local and organic products. Fresh domestic milk, cottage cheese mixed with vegetables in salads, potatoes, rice, … From snacks to toss the almonds, peanuts and quality cheeses.
The bottom line is that your body needs more protein than usual, it is necessary to recover the cells, to deal with infections, to speed wound healing and recovery.
Immediately after the surgery need to worry about protein intake. If your doctor has suggested to lose weight on this focus after the initial recovery period.
It is desirable to consume organic foods, to avoid industrially processed meat products, fast food, soft drinks, fresh juices. Get back to nature. Try as many raw foods. Make the spring salad of wild garlic, include ginseng, pomegranate (optional) and nettle in food. It is important to increase the intake of vitamin C, to drink as many healthy shakes and smoothie beverages. In consultation with a doctor and a nutritionist talk about possible cures cleansing, detoxification – what shakes you can take, what kind of tea to drink. Use more often honey and bee products than sugar.
To prevent the return of cancer
In this case, are very important phytoestrogens, plant hormones, of which some have proven to be very effective when it comes to an anticancer activity.
- Eat more organic soybeans and soy products such as tofu, soy milk, and you can try to make the miso soup.
- And a certain antioxidants are important – eat broccoli, liver, mango, to protect against the effects of free radicals.
- Look for beta-carotene in carrots, apricots and yams (yam), and other “orange” plants. Some research suggests that a diet rich in foods rich in beta-carotene can improve recovery from breast cancer.
- Lycopene is also important, including vegetables rich in lycopene in the first place the tomatoes. Turn it frequently in the diet to prevent the return of cancer.
– Dealing with some physical activity also cited as important in the treatment of recovery. But talk to your doctor before embarking on a serious exercise. In the first days after surgery keep you as much možete- protection from bumps and cuts, do not carry heavy things, and talk with a psychiatrist. If you choose to exercise, choose one that you enjoy, lighter and safe.