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Natural and irresistible scents for your home

Scents have a special impact on our psyche: they can lift our spirits, to remind us of some people and events from childhood or recent past, evoke feelings of comfort or discomfort, or us, in turn, be associated with a particular season or holiday. Scents in the home are particularly important, since at the home we spend a lot of time and want to feel comfortable and relaxed. Here are some suggestions for environmental odors in the home-made from natural, readily available ingredients that will turn your home into a fragrant oasis.



Potpourri is a mixture of dried flower petals, scented oils and spices, which is placed in a decorative container, to fresh the room. Choose wood, paper or glass, decorative container and store it to your favorite fragrant blend.

In summer you can combine a variant of dried flower petals, pieces of dried mango or pineapple, dried lavender, sage, rosemary …

For irresistible winter scents can make a mixture of cinnamon sticks or vanilla, spices like cardamom or anise, dried orange or lemon crust, pieces of dried apples and pine cones.

In the potpourri you can put a few drops of essential oils of orange, lavender or ylang-ylang, tuberose, or oil, for more intensive smell. In addition to potpourri can replace expensive scent from the store, it looks great as a decoration on your desk!

Bathroom with lavender scent

In a small bowl pour a handful of dried lavender and store it in the bathroom. If you have a larger bathroom, you can set up several bowls of lavender in a variety of angles.

Lavender will match forgive delightful, relaxing scent, and if you want to step up, you can instil in the box, and ten drops of lavender essential oil. For the atmosphere, such as in a spa center, sprinkle the essential oil of spruce or pine.

Natural air freshener

If you are looking for environmentally friendly, natural air freshener that smells great, this will blow your mind. You can quite easily make your own, and for that you need:

  • ½ l of distilled water
  • about 20 drops of essential oil of your choice (lavender, orange, eucalyptus, juniper or lemon)
  • juice of 2 large (or 4 small) lemons
  • sprayer

If you do not have a sprayer, you can save one, when you spend a glass cleaner. Spray pour distilled water, squeezed and strained lemon juice and put the essential oil. Close the sprayer and mix well. Your air freshener is ready! Before use, it must be shaken well.

Bags of lavender in the bedroom or closet

Bags of lavender stored with pillow will help you fall asleep. For better performance, you plan a few drops of essential oils of lavender on your pillow at bedtime or in the bowl of water on the radiator. For scented clothing store one or more bags with lavender in the closet. If at them occasionally put a few drops of essential oil of lavender, apart from the odor will keep your clothes from moths!

Essential oil of lemon neutralizes odors and helps to disinfect the home of viruses and bacteria (which is the winter home to abundant), essential oil of orange awakens and gives a sense of exuberance and energy, essential oil of lavender relaxes and helps good sleep, while essential oils of juniper and eucalyptus and rosemary beneficial effect on the respiratory tract.


Photo by saebaryo / CC BY

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