By oil we mean an aromatic essential oils that are obtained from plants. Aromatherapy involves the use thereof, are required in the manufacture of perfumes, and it is known that the use of essential oils as fragrances for food.
Those familiar with aromatherapy know that these oils are used differently and have medicinal properties, both in body and in mind.
It is a highly concentrated substances, each drop has the power, and should therefore be used with care. Remember that may lead to a contra!
The most used essential oils of lavender, chamomile, eucalyptus, ginger and peppermint.
Lavender Oil
Among the most frequently used. Reduces stress, helps relaxation and a good ally in the struggle with insomnia. Only a few drops of this oil on your pillow will help you fall asleep more easily. Also, if the oil add a few drops of oil to be used in massage, and can afford divine neck and shoulder massage.
This oil relieves pain when you have a headache or tooth. Rubbing a few drops of oil on the forehead region, or jaw pain in the tooth will bring you much relief. Lavender calms.
It helps in case of wounds, cuts and burns on your skin – you need a piece of sterile gauze that you dip a few drops placed on the injured area.
It should be said to be used at births, because it has the power of relaxation, reduce pain and anxiety.
It will help you when you stab an insect that quickly remove the itch. You can apply directly to the injection site or to previously add z cream.
Chamomile oil
Acts as a sedative. There can be used as tonic for the nerves and helps in coping with stress. For headache and toothache seems like lavender, and helps babies to easily submit a toothache. Also, soothes and digestion. Use it for massage – Apply a few drops on the belly area. It is known to be a very good effect packs of chilled chamomile.
Eucalyptus oil
Well-known for its power to reduce congestion. Pour a few drops in a bowl of boiled water – breathing in this water is very beneficial. Also, it will help, and a few drops on a handkerchief or pillow before going to sleep. Insect sting has the same effect as chamomile. Warmed oil of eucalyptus helps to get rid of sore muscles. Applies to the massage.
Peppermint oil
Works well in the digestive system. It will resolve your sickness, enhance digestion, eliminate bloating and diarrhea. It is sufficient to apply a few drops to the region of the stomach and gently massaged.
This oil is fantastic for you if you are facing sickness when traveling. It helps when you have a headache – apply it behind your neck and forehead region, but be careful not to come into contact with the eyes or eyelids. It is also used for better concentration and the massage. Relieves pain in muscles and helps when you have the flu or a cold.
Ginger oil
Improves circulation and ally is when your muscles ache. When it is added to other oils, and are used with massaging. Also reduces nausea during travel and nausea that pregnant women have in the morning. Intend to wipe a few drops of this oil – to breathe every 3 minutes to feel the improvement. It helps the sore throat, cough and sinusitis.
Photo by Papa Lazarou / CC BY