Care of indoor bonsai is nothing more complicated than the care of other tropical indoor plants. In order to mini-trees retain their shape, roots and shoots should be regularly pruned
Bonsai, miniature decorative type of plant that grows as a dwarf tree, it can be a real star of your green oasis. This “pine Buddhist” does not require any special care in order to survive, progress and maintain a nice, attractive appearance.
Care of indoor bonsai is nothing more complicated than the care of other tropical indoor plants. In order to mini-trees retain their shape, roots and shoots must be regularly trimmed.
Here, without which bonsai can:
1. Habitat – Throughout the year, the plants should be kept on a bright and warm (18-23 ° C), in a room where there is no draft. In summer the plant can be outdoors but protected from wind and rain. During the heating season, during the night to lower the temperature.
2. Watering – Fly watered abundantly, and in winter a little room temperature water. Avoid stagnant water.
3. Fertilization – Bonsai treat liquid fertilizer from March to September (every 14 days).
4. Grafting – Young bonsai every two years transplanted into a mixture of clay, sand and humus.
Photo by Simon Q CC BY