Not all moms are supermodels and many have difficulty recovering after giving birth. One of the biggest problems is, of course, weight. We suggest foods that are ideal to fix the line and health.
Easily protect you, are an excellent snack and you can keep them in bags in your car or purse. Almonds are good for digestion, and respiratory disorders, cough, anemia, diabetes. And along with it are phenomenal for hair and skin.
Combine them with cereal or grain. An excellent antioxidant and helpful moms who breastfeed. They are packed with vitamins and minerals – you full of energy.
Brown rice
A meal with brown rice and, say, a carrot will fill you up, and it is much healthier than potato and pasta. In addition it helps you to ensure the best milk for your baby.
Vitamin C in oranges helps protect you after the birth of a possible flu and strengthens the immune system. Also, moms who are breastfeeding need more vitamin C.
Your baby needs vitamin A and calcium, and there is spinach, as well as a very healthy food, “the king”. With him you have antioxidants, and low in calories.
Required in large quantities. The most natural cleaner your body, hydrates and cleanses the skin. Keep a bottle of water is always at his side.