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Foods that affect the increase in IQ

IQ tells us the extent to which we are able to learn, adapt and understand the world around us. There are many different factors that can affect the level of IQ, and one of them is food. Here are some of the foods that can help increase IQ.

walnut for IQ


The research at Tufts University proved that 29 grams of walnuts contains 2.6 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, and one teaspoon of walnut oil 1.4 grams of polyunsaturated fat. Both are fats that do not have the body, but we have to consume through food, and contribute to improving memory.

Raw eggs

The best and also the cheapest especially nutritive foods is very important for the development of IQ. Raw eggs contain protein and healthy fats that are essential for the development of brain function, especially in young people. The shorter cook an egg, its nutritional value are higher. As well as the chances of salmonella, but it still is not an issue …


They have the function of your body’s defense against free radicals, resulting in the improvement of logical reasoning. Foods that contain them are green tea, beans, artichokes.


In addition to being very tasty, blueberries have a positive impact on brain health. Include a wide range of phytochemicals that are directly associated with the development and growth of the brain. Some studies have even shown to slow brain aging.


40% of the fruit consists of the oil full of oleic acid which is monounsaturated fat. Brain cells are protected myelin sheath that Monounsaturated fats regenerated. This is important because damage to the tread reduces cognitive abilities.


Fish is full of omega-3 fatty acids. Pilchards, salmon and trout contain them in the form of acid that already exist in the brain, so they consuming fish further renew. These acids generally improve memory and brain function.

Green vegetables

Besides being good for heart health, green vegetables is beneficial for the brain. It is a rich source of vitamin E, which is essential for brain health. Vitamin E reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. In addition to green vegetables, most vitamin E containing kiwi fruit and nuts.


The most important meal of the day, it is very important for the normal functioning of the brain. Studies show that a healthy breakfast improves concentration and creativity.


Photo by Chris Brown CC BY

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