One of the most effective diet with the help of which many have lost 40 or more pounds is UN diet.
The diet lasts for 3 months, and for that period of time your metabolism completely changes as reflected on your figure. The only thing you need is patience, but what is certain is weight loss healthy way and without the so-called. yo-yo effect.
The diet consists of 4 parts: proteins, starch, carbohydrates and fruits.
Arm yourself with patience, respect the below mentioned meals and the result will be achieved.
Protein day
Lunch: meat (boiled or roasted) or 3 eggs (boiled or fried), one slice of whole grain bread, lettuce in abundance and one cup of soup without the noodles. You can eat milk and cheese, but in this case the quantity of the meat is reduced, ie. eggs.
Dinner: same as lunch, but without the soup. If you eat meat for lunch and eat it for dinner, and if you choose to eat eggs for lunch, then you have to have same dinner like lunch.
Starch day
Lunch: you can consider baked beans, peas, lentils, rice, potatoes with spices (salt, seasoning, pepper, ketchup, cooked tomatoes), a slice of whole grain bread and a salad.
Dinner: same as lunch, except that the portion is reduced by half.
Carb day
Lunch: boiled pasta or pizza with ketchup or some salty biscuits (eg. 3 croissants)
Dinner: two small pieces of cake or 3 – 4 cakes or 3 – 4 scoops of ice cream + one rib of dark chocolate
Fruit day
And for lunch and dinner fruit can be eaten in unlimited quantities.
After 29 days the diet holding a “water day” when you are not eating anything but drinking only water, possibly tea.
During diet teas and coffee can drink, but without sugar, and fruit juices should be avoided.
After 90 days of diet, another 90 days for breakfast to eat fruit, while lunch and dinner back to the normal diet.
It is important to note that the diet must not hold more than 90, it is necessary to make a break for 3 months.
For those 90 days you can lose weight from 30-50 pounds.
Photo by with wind CC BY