Home > Diet and Fitness > Sturdy and built bottom: It only takes three minutes a day for three exercises!

Sturdy and built bottom: It only takes three minutes a day for three exercises!

Three simple exercises for burning fat and shaping muscles will take your three minutes a day, and with them you will soon notice that your butt firmer


For this minimum exercise simply do not have excuses – it is necessary to single out just three minutes a day and a bit of space in the living room, and exercises for shapely butt you can do while watching your favorite TV show.

The first exercise – 1 minute

Hold the back of the chair, with one or both hands resting on the arm as support. Transfer the body weight on the left foot, inhale and exhale to extend your right leg behind you as much as you can without bending your back. Keep that leg one to two seconds. Inhale and lower leg. Repeat the exercise for 30 seconds on each side.

The second exercise – 1 minute

Put your left hand on the chair as support. The feet keep your hips are aligned. Transfer the body weight on the left foot. On the exhale, lift your right leg as high as you can to the right. Hold for a second or two. Repeat the exercise for 30 seconds on each side.

Third exercise – 1 minute

Ordinary squat exercise, great for shaping the buttock muscles. It’s just important to properly perform! Feet are shoulder-width apart or slightly apart. Slowly lower your buttocks as you want to sit, and how can you not lift the heel off the floor. Also, your knees should not cross the line of the toes. Some are straight back, a look forward.


Photo by James C. / CC BY

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