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Pressing or blow dry hair: Which is better?

Pressing the hair is kept as very detrimental to the quality of the hair and to some of the earlier advice should calender hair more often than a few times a month, and it was thought that the blow dry the hair is much better for the hair. This opinion was true until the advent of ceramic brush for blow dry hair before fashion that has brought very straight hair (a few years ago).

blow dried hair

It has been shown in practice to blow dry hair with ceramic brush (which is the work of a very warm and are very similar in that presses and partially operate on this principle) is not less hard for the hair, and even that is in many cases more damaging than the press. One hair that insisted on “flat burning hair” blow dry after a while definitely had bad quality.

If you decide to pressed hair, and at the same time you intend to protect the quality of the hair, invest in a little better press for the hair and avoid the Chinese press, which tend to be too hot and poorly treated (tearing hair), then use the product to protect hair from the heat, and they will also help you pressed hair is longer flat. A press your hair that has been dried as it will on wet hair will take more effort and time.

A press strand by strand, but each just as many times as it takes to get it corrected. Set the lower temperature of the press (as the press have to warm depending on the color). Against drying hair using treatments for dry hair.

Whether you opt for pressing or blow dry hair, try to be moderate in it, do not bother just hair after each washing-let it be used to dry naturally. Cultivate it and keep as a straight, smooth and shiny hair decoration for you, and damaged hair that is straight feels more like straw than on a decoration.


Photo by Mainstream / CC BY

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