In diabetes requires increased caution and exercise should be avoided when blood glucose levels are very high. It is essential then one should check for ketones in your blood or urine and practice is not at all if ketones are elevated.
Who is allowed to practice
Any increase in exercise compared to the level at which a person is accustomed, it must be gradual. Although medical examination before undertaking such activities are not always necessary, only consulting a doctor can give an estimate of whether they should be done. It is primarily aimed at people with chronic diseases. Extreme caution is needed in the onset of the pain in the chest or fainting. In the presence of certain chronic complications of diabetes, exercise should be limited or customized.
Stronger stress, especially lifting may not perform patients with severe retinopathy, damage to the blood vessels of the retina. In patients with impaired peripheral nerves and blood vessels decreased pain sensation in the feet, and the increased risk of injury and healing. In these cases, it is necessary particularly comfortable shoes. Exercise can also be customized by avoiding lengthy load foot and recommends activities such as swimming or exercising hands.
In diabetes requires increased caution and exercise should be avoided when blood glucose levels are very high. It is essential then one should check for ketones in your blood or urine and practice is not at all if ketones are elevated.
Beware of hypoglycemia
Favorable effect of reducing blood glucose levels during exercise can be dangerous if too much glucose levels and lower the cause hypoglycemia. This can happen in people taking insulin or drugs that stimulate insulin secretion, while in others who are treated with metformin, for example, such a danger does not exist.
To prevent the occurrence of hypoglycemia during exercise, which is pre-planned, preference is given to the reduction of the previous dose of insulin or tablets. In circumstances where the exercise was not planned in advance, it is necessary to take additional carbohydrate meal.
People with diabetes exercise should always be prepared. The basic rule is to monitor and record blood glucose levels before and after exercise. So will find out how each person reacts and gain experience for future harmonization of meals and medicines. If it is a longer activity, should be measured in blood glucose during exercise to help in case of too could fall to terminate. Must always have a meal in reserve, if necessary glucagon which applies in the event of severe hypoglycemia. It is useful to have a label or document to a person with diabetes.
If possible, instead of an additional meal, it is always useful to decrease the previous dose of the drug because too often over-compensating and meals can be a cause of weight gain. Given that the effect of exercise on reducing blood glucose extended and can last for hours, it’s good advice not to exercise late at night because otherwise people at risk of unpleasant nocturnal hypoglycemia. In any case, if the blood glucose drops too low, the question and the following reduction of the dose of the drug.
Was the goal achieved?
To the effectiveness of exercise was real, it is worth to measure how much you practice. It is necessary to set goals in accordance with their capabilities, and when you catch up, they can be gradually increased, so practice faster and longer. That measurable progress is an additional incentive for persistence. If we falter, for different reasons, you should never completely give up, but to adapt to new circumstances and a new way to move forward.
The benefit of exercise for health can be directly checked on the personal example. Good to know what information was regulation of glucose, fat and blood pressure before regular training to be able to compare with those after a period of exercise. These indicators will certainly be a good reason for satisfaction and continued perseverance.
Exercise, however, is the very best incentive. Will give you satisfaction, self-confidence, meet new people, better sleep and eventually you will feel more relaxed and rested.
Photo by Keith Ramsey / CC BY