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How to reduce pores on face

Do you have a problem with enlarged pores on face? Read how to reduce and smooth your complexion.

women face

1) Consistent care

Hereditary factors and type of your skin can cause enlarged pores. Those with dry skin tend to have smaller pores, while people with oily skin often have larger pores. Regular cleaning and appropriate hydration (yes, even oily skin needs hydration) will reduce enlarged pores.

Products face cleansing containing glycolic acid and salicylic acid will help to purge the pores. Choose a product that is gentle so you can use it every day, day and night. Be persistent if you want to blow away the pores and rid them of excess oil.

You can also evaporate the face to open the pores and easier to clean.

2) Do not touch it!

Never do not squeeze out the pores. Squeezing can cause the wound surrounding tissue, and you will not achieve anything. Pores will continue to be expanded and will have redness around them.

3) Recover the pores

There are creams, which may facilitate the renewal of the cells. These treatments can stimulate skin renewal and quickly create a new layer of surface skin. In this way the pores are kept clean. As new cells form, the skin looks smoother and pores are less with time.

4) Make-up

If you regularly put makeup, let it be easy and free of oil. You may notice that your makeup penetrates the pores and it makes them look bigger. The best solution for this is to first place the foundation, and then powder. Surface creates a barrier that makes your face smooth and prevents makeup to settle into your pores and wrinkles.


Photo by Helmuts Guigo CC BY

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