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Which milk is best for you?

Sheep, soybean, rice, hemp, coconut, almond or cow? Which of these is best for you and your body? Some types of milk are low in calories but low in protein. Some varieties contain a lot of protein, but also a lot of fat, so really is not same which one you consume.


Cow’s milk

Good for you if you want to increase your intake of protein, calcium and vitamin D. Daily drink more than 2 cups. If you choose organic one, you will enjoy a higher level of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, which promote heart health.

It’s not good for you if you are lactose intolerant, which means that your body short of lactase, the enzyme needed for the breakdown of lactose. The most common symptoms of lactose intolerance are bloating, gas and other digestive problems after consuming milk.

Almond milk

Good for you if you are watching your calorie intake. Due to its excellent taste is one of the most common alternative to cow’s milk. It contains few calories and fat. Be sure to take enriched with almond milk contains vitamin D and calcium.

It’s not good for you if you drink milk due to increased protein intake because almond milk does not contain much. However, some manufacturers of almond milk proteins are added, so pay attention to the composition of the product.

Hemp milk

Good for you if you want to increase your intake of protein because it contains 2-3 grams of protein in one cup, making it one of the best sources of protein after cow’s milk. It is also a good source of omega 3 fatty acids.

It’s not good for you if you’re not a fan of milk taste of hemp. You can sweeten it, but then it contains a lot more calories than usual.

Sheep milk

Good for you if you want to enjoy milk similar to cow’s milk. Both types contain 8-9 grams of protein in one cup. Sheep’s milk contains slightly less lactose it is easier digestible for people who are lactose intolerant.
It’s not good for you if you are watching your calorie intake. Sheep’s milk contains about 170 calories and 10 grams of fat in one cup.

Coconut milk

Good for you if you want to enjoy the creamy milk that will enrich your cereal, tea, coffee or even soup. It contains about 45 calories in one cup, so it’s a great way of enriching the flavor of food without adding a lot of calories.

One cup of coconut milk contains about 4 grams of saturated fat. Skip it if your diet is rich in saturated fat already.

Soy milk

It’s good for you because it contains 7 grams of protein in one cup and 80 calories. Soy milk contains about 2 grams of fiber. Some studies have shown that it reduces the risk of some cancers.
Some studies have shown that soy milk compounds in the body act as estrogen, which increases the risk of breast cancer.

Rice milk

Good for you if you suffer from a large number of food allergies. Very few people have allergic reactions to it. It is also great for people who are lactose intolerant.

It’s not good for you if you are watching your calorie intake. It contains about 90 calories in one cup. It’s not so much, but there are better options. It contains something more carbohydrates and only 1 gram of protein in one serving.

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