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How to flatten the waist at any age?

From the twenties to the fifties every year we lose about 250 g of lean muscle mass.

flatten waist women

How many times have you heard that it is impossible to have slimmed waistline if you’re middle-aged? I.e., it is not impossible, but you’ll need to give up almost everything? You should know that not only is possible, but it is not difficult.

Slowing metabolic rate is something we all face. Reduces the percentage of muscle mass, about 8% for each decade after the age of 30 years and about 10% for each decade after the age of 50 years.

The researchers said that the exercise capacity of 2 times a week for 25 minutes can do wonders for your metabolism and prevent drastic slowdown in its work.

The survey showed that more than 1,600 people, aged 21-80 years, after 10 weeks of strength exercises are about 1.5kg of lean muscle mass. Participants worked on a set of 12 exercises, and the results were similar in all age groups.

From the twenties to the fifties every year we lose about 250g of lean muscle mass. From the fifties every year we begin to lose about 500g of muscle mass. Although scientists are not sure why this is so, they believe that the body muscle mass begins to degrade much sooner, and that is to restore muscle mass with age more difficult.


Photo by Lachlan Hardy CC BY

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