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Diet according to blood group: what works best for weight loss?

The core of the theory of blood groups makes the discovery that the blood group antigens behave differently in biochemical reactions to certain foods (i.e. some of their ingredients)

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On the eternal question of whether food is a universal character, or food that is for a man food – other (almost) venom, Dr. Peter D’Adamo replied:

“Tell me your blood type and I’ll tell you if you feed or poison.”

He is, in fact, continued his father’s pioneering work in the study of the importance of blood from the standpoint of biochemistry whole body and his theory of nutrition by the scientific basis of clearly defining the biochemical specificities of each person’s genetic factors and environmental factors. Blood type is the key to opening many, covert, the healing power of the body, explains Dr. D’Adamo in his best-selling book “Eat Right for Your Type”. He recalls the fact that the blood type is one of several medically recognized diversity, but at the same time, she talks about the evolution of the human race.

Diet by blood groups – the basics

D’Adamo points to the fact that every living form, from simple viruses to the people themselves, possess unique antigens that are specific to each organism. Very powerful antigens in the human body are the ones that determine blood type. They are so sensitive that, when well-functioning, represent a safety best part of the immune system. Each blood type possesses different antigens with specific chemical structure. And only the name of the blood group antigen is formed by a group which is located in red blood cells.

Thus, the core of the theory of blood groups makes the discovery that the blood group antigens behave differently in biochemical reactions to certain foods (ie some of their ingredients).

What are the characteristics of certain blood groups and that their food and lifestyle right for you? See abridgement diets on blood groups:


Nutrition by blood groups – blood type “O” 

Features: Hunter, meat eater, strong, confident, kind leader

Strengths: A strong digestive system, strong immune system, natural protection against infection, effective metabolism.
Weaknesses: intolerance of new supplements and new environmental conditions. Due to excessive immune system activity can happen to attack himself

Risks: interference coagulation, inflammatory disease, inflammation of the joints, decreased function of the thyroid gland, ulcers, allergies
Profile nutrition: high levels of protein, meat consumption. Meat, fish, vegetables, fruit.

Restricted: grains, beans, legumes

Weight loss:

Avoid: Wheat cereals, beans, lentils, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard

Assists: seaweed, sea fish, salt, liver, red meat, kale, spinach, broccoli

Nutritional supplements: vitamins B and K, calcium, iodine, licorice root, seaweed

Physical activity: intense physical activity, such as aerobics, martial arts, running.


Nutrition per blood type – blood type “A” 

Features: a farmer, a true vegetarian, thoughtful, cooperative, accurate

Strengths: well adapted to the altered diet and new environmental conditions. Easily metabolize nutrients

Weaknesses: sensitive digestive system; vulnerable immune system – open to infections

Risks: heart disease, cancer, anemia, liver and biliary diseases, diabetes type I

Profile of food: vegetarian – vegetables, tofu (soy cheese), saltwater fish, grains, beans, legumes, fruits

Weight Loss:

Avoid: meat, dairy products, lime beans, wheat

Assists: vegetable oil, soy foods, vegetables, pineapple

Supplements: Vitamin B, C and E, folic acid, sloes, echinacea, quercetin, colorful thistle

Physical activity: the peaceful exercise like yoga, tai chi

fruit salad

Nutrition per blood group-blood group “B”

Features: nomad, balanced, flexible, creative

Strengths: A strong immune system, adaptability to new environment and a new diet, a balanced nervous system

Weaknesses: responsiveness to autonomic disorders and rare viral infection

Risks sugar mills of type I disease, chronic fatigue, autoimmune disease (lupus, multiple sclerosis …)

Profile nutrition: a balanced diet, omnivorous: meat (no chicken), dairy products, whole grains, beans, legumes, vegetables, fruits

Weight loss:

Avoid: maize, lentils, hazelnuts, sesame seeds, buckwheat, and wheat

Helps: vegetables, eggs, meat, game, licorice, tea

Nutritional supplements: magnesium, licorice root, ginkgo, lecithin

Physical activity: moderate physical exercise, such as walking, cycling, tennis, swimming


Nutrition per blood type – blood group “AB” 

Features: enigmatic (contemporary fusion of A and B type), a rare, charismatic, and mysterious

Strengths: well adapted to modern conditions. Very tolerant immune system, combines the advantages of group A and B

Weaknesses: a sensitive digestive system. Overly tolerant immune system may be open to infection. Negatively react to circumstances as A and B type

Risks: heart disease, cancer, anemia

Profile nutrition: a mixed diet – meat, sea fish, dairy products, tofu (soy cheese), beans, legumes, grains, fruits

Weight loss:

Avoid: red meat, lima beans, seeds, corn, and buckwheat

Assists: tofu (soy cheese), saltwater fish, dairy products, vegetables, seaweed, pineapple

Nutritional supplements: vitamin C, turd, valerian, colorful thistle

Exercising: calm body exercises like yoga, tai chi, combined with moderate activity (hiking, biking, and tennis)

Photo by fred_v/ Photo by jojomzz/Photo by RelaxingMusic/ CC BY

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