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What we learn after a breakup: People are changing, always be honest with yourself

No matter if you did not want change, they have disappeared. Your job is to accept it and move on. Set it so that they had to happen, happened to be something better.

women after breakup

Breakup is painful, but it has its positive side, and there are all those things that you learn after him. Here’s what it refers to.

1. Everything is changing
No matter what you did not want change, they are incurred. Your job is to accept it and move on. Set it so that they had to happen, happened to be something better. It may not happen immediately, but for some things it takes more time.

2. You pick your way

All changes that come from the breakup, can leave a feeling of loneliness and desolation. And that’s just fine, but not if that feeling remains present for longer than it should. Remember that only you have control over your life and you pick the path you want to go. No one it will not do that instead of you.

3. Always be honest with yourself

It is important to be aware of the fact that it’s okay to be injured, to suffer, you’re apathetic or that you are feeling a void. These are all normal parts of breakup. So allow yourself some time for such feelings, time will be easier. If you’re not honest with yourself, you make yourself the victim, and it never ends up with something good.

4. People are changing

He was nice to you, and now will not even call you. Yes, people are changing, sometimes to the extent that they are difficult to identify and often wonder what they are guilty or that we ever could in general be in love with them. But it is important to know that it says a lot about them, not about you, so do not be put-down to their level. It simply no longer need to and fascinated and overwhelmed. And that’s okay. Surely there is somewhere  someone who will be willing just that.

5. Karma

Why is it important to keep your dignity after a break? Because everything comes back sooner or later. And sometimes it takes a long time, but the feeling of satisfaction will be the same for the week, month or year, although it may not admit it out loud.


Photo by Hans Vink / CC BY

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