Home > News > Energy drinks are to blame for iron deficiency and fatigue

Energy drinks are to blame for iron deficiency and fatigue

They are rich in caffeine, which in turn may prevent the absorption of minerals in the body. It can cause fatigue and heart rhythm problems.

energy drink

Almost 40 percent of girls and young women aged 11 to 24 have problems with lack of iron in the body, the study found the British Association of food producers conducted on 10,000 people. One of the culprits are energy drinks rich in caffeine, which in turn can prevent the absorption of minerals in the body. Iron deficiency is associated with fatigue.

One out of 10 teenagers during the week drinks up to five energy drinks, and three-quarters of them do not know that caffeine prevents the absorption of iron and other nutrients.

In addition to affecting iron intake, energy drinks can cause heart problems, nausea, nervousness, and disrupt the quality of sleep and cause fatigue. She suffered raise blood sugar levels, but it is just as fast down resulting in a sharp drop in energy, fatigue and exhaustion.

Entering micronutrient foundation of good health, therefore, iron deficiency should not be ignored, particularly in girls in their teens.

The recommended daily intake of caffeine is 400 milligrams, and 500 milliliters of energy drink contains about 160 milligrams of caffeine and 113 teaspoons of sugar.

Energy Drinks

  • It contains 52 grams of sugar, which is two grams more than the recommended daily dose recommended by the World Health Organization.
  • About 500 milliliters of energy drink contains 160 milligrams of caffeine, and so contain four cans of soda.
  • Energy drinks may change heart rhythm and increase the risk of potentially fatal heart problems, the study found the German University of Bonn.
  • Previous studies have linked energy drinks with stroke.
  • Teenagers who drink energy drinks often try alcohol and drugs than those who never drank, determine the American Research University of Michigan.
  • Energy drinks mixed with alcohol can cause alcohol poisoning, confirmed by American scientists.


Photo by Jeremy Jenum CC BY

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