Home > News > Why do we dream our former partners: Guilt or feelings of other people?

Why do we dream our former partners: Guilt or feelings of other people?

If you have several times already happened to dream ex-boyfriend, do not worry – scientists claim that the more often in dreams you dream former than the current partner.

women dream and sleep

Through research, scientists came to the conclusion, that most people are not ready to present to partner that a former partners come in dream.

If you are afraid to dream about your ex-partner is not a hint that you want to cheat a present love, relax.

Therapists believe that this is the only opportunity that you have feelings for other people.

One of the reasons why you asleep draws former partner may be feeling remorse for the way the relationship ended, or perhaps a desire to resolve the last things and clear up the past.


Photo by Juanedc / CC BY

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