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Coffee neutralize the bacteria in your mouth

Here’s one more reason to enjoy in your favorite black beverage.

coffee on a table

You’ve probably already heard the advice to dentists that coffee does not affect just the best of the beauty and health of your teeth. However, researchers are not entirely agree exactly. In fact, recent research has shown that if you drink in moderation, coffee can actually stop tooth decay.

Brazilian scientists have discovered that certain seeds have antibacterial properties. Thus, ordinary black coffee without sugar in moderate doses, has a positive effect on dental health.

Scientists at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, they put the extracted deciduous teeth extract coffea canephora, this is the type of grains, which is in 30 percent of the world’s coffee. They found that coffee break down the biofilm of bacteria that causes plaque. Otherwise, the plaque is the biggest cause of gum disease and tooth decay.

Scientists believe that the antioxidant polyphenol is responsible for such a positive effect on dental health, but it is necessary to do further research, especially because coffee can stain teeth and acidity affects tooth enamel.


Photo by mcveja / CC BY

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