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Is vegan healthy for children?

A vegan diet can be really healthy choices when it comes to adults, but all vegans should consider the health risks before their children start to feed this way.


Controversy over whether the children are safe and healthy to be vegans or vegetarians do not stop, and one of the main arguments of those who do not support this type of diet for kids claim to be non-trafficked children vitamins, especially B12 through food may enter only through products of animal origin.

According to data published two years ago 7-8 percent of children in America to 18 years of age has not tried the meat, and 3 percent of those figures declared themselves as strict vegetarians and vegans as 2 percent.

Experts say that young vegans who are still in development could suffer from the lack of the following nutrients:

  • Vitamin B 12
  • Proteins
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Omega 3 fatty acids

On the other hand, there are those doctors who say that children who eat vegan variety, fresh and healthy foods can be just as healthy as a child that eat plants.

What about protein and vitamin B-12?

Since most of us are accustomed to get proteins through animal products raises the question of how to get children who do not eat them. Doctors say they have all a matter of diversity of food and there is no fear because the child’s need for protein is quite small.

Vegan sources of protein include nuts, seeds and butter made from these foods and vegan children should as much as possible to take them.

When it comes to vitamin B 12 and there should not be a problem since there are many supplements for children that contain this vitamin. Also, this vitamin is found in soy products, grains are eaten for breakfast as well as in milk from seeds.

Tips for parents vegans

If you decide that your child should eat the vegan diet they should follow the child’s behavior and health. Observe whether the child looks healthy, whether easy or difficult to get over colds, flu, whether it takes more time to heal their wounds, have a good sleep, whether they hoses are normal and that they have enough energy to play.

If you notice that your child is sickly, his immune system is weak, and you might want to consider what is best for your child.

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