Home > Beauty > Green diet for lovers of vegetables: Healthy weight loss and getting rid of toxins!

Green diet for lovers of vegetables: Healthy weight loss and getting rid of toxins!

Every day, eats mostly the same schedule, but it is very important to combine different foods.

vegetable tomato

Green diet is intended for those who do not eat meat, and we’d like to get rid of excess weight in a healthy way without starving. Since it consists of fruits, vegetables and whole grains that are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients, it frees the body from toxins and provides a healthy weight loss, says.

Every day, eats mostly the same schedule, but it is very important to combine different foods.

juice vegetable

After waking up: A glass of fruit juice

Breakfast: Fresh fruit

Snack: Fresh vegetables (lettuce), wholemeal toast or soup, or a glass of milk

Lunch: Fresh vegetables, potatoes or rice, or a piece of cheese

Dinner: Mixed salad

apple and beetrot fresh

Be careful in the following situations!

Potatoes are always eaten with salad. Fruits do not combine it with something else, and not do it right after you eat some other types of food. Eat it only on an empty stomach: after green vegetables – wait at least 30 minutes after the potatoes and rice – at least three hours. Milk is also a separate meals, or it must not be mixed with other foods.


Photo by Kanko/
Photo by Stiftelsen Elektronikkbransjen/
Photo by Jean Gaetan Guillemaud/ CC BY

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