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How to get rid of thickened skin on the feet

Here come the summer. All the more time we spend in sandals or flip flops. During the winter we thickened skin on the feet or cracked.

Most often comes to the formation of the above problems due to uncomfortable shoes, and of course because the skin can not breathe, such as summer, the synthetic material used for the production of socks and shoes.

women feet

Of course, every woman would like to remove dead skin cells on the feet. We recommend a method that we have already tried it yourself.

Bath feet of natural ingredients:

  • hot water
  • apple cider vinegar
  • soda

Mix the above ingredients and soak your feet for at least 15 minutes. You will feel how easy bath “corrosive” feet. Just be careful, bath should contain a lot more water to vinegar and baking soda. After that, take an emery board to foot and gently remove hard skin. You’ll be surprised how many will be after the first time to remove the skin. Be sure to put on your feet after treatment moisturizer. Most preferably, they first apply petroleum jelly. This bath not only will you remove the hard feet but everyone fungi and bacteria.

It would be desirable to take care of their feet throughout the year because for some people to get to know the hard skin cracking and bleeding. Also, make sure you wear shoes all year round.


Photo Tobias Lindman / CC BY

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