Home > Health and Happy > Devastating: Half of the father pretends to sleep when baby cries during the night!

Devastating: Half of the father pretends to sleep when baby cries during the night!

The study found the most common excuses that are used for their behavior, as well as hope in 44 per cent of the stronger sex to the mother to get up and take care of the child.

baby sleeping

A British study conducted on 2,000 people showed that taking care of a newborn, fathers prefer to indulge their mothers, and it turned out that almost half of them pretends to sleep when the baby cries at night!

Even 44 percent of the men surveyed served this in the hope that the mother will get up and take care of the baby, because they are in that situation completely useless. On the other hand, one in five men admitted that their child is called only mom, and one in ten believes that his wife is better than them when it comes to the care of children.

Devastating, but this study confirmed that only 14 percent of couples believes that the child crying in the night should see the father as the mother.

The most common excuses that men recite to justify what you pretend to sleep is getting up early for work and too much fatigue.

Such situations create tension among couples. Though most often during the first few days after the baby is born, these assignments last until the start of school. It’s Very important that the parents agree on the division of responsibilities.


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