Magnesium is essential for the production of energy.
Magnesium is a mineral that plays an important role in maintaining the health of the arteries, blood, bones, heart, muscles and brain. With all that he is working and relaxing.
It is important for the production of energy in the case of processes in the body. Your body needs magnesium to produce more than 500 different enzymes that are required for basic bodily functions.
The recommended daily value of magnesium is 800mg. It can be found in almonds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, figs, lemons, apples, dark leafy vegetables, celery, brown pirinčui many other foods.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency:
- Backache
- Chronic fatigue
- Craving for sweets
- Confusion
- Depression
- Dizziness
- Excessive body odor
- Irregular heartbeat
- Restlessness or hyperactivity
- Insomnia
- Irritability or anxiety
- Muscle cramps
- Pain in the knees and hips
- Sick and cold hands or feet
- Painful menstruation