Home > Health and Happy > 5 signs that you are in urgent need of detoxification

5 signs that you are in urgent need of detoxification

Every day our bodies are exposed to various toxins from food, water and air, and obvious indicator of how much harmful are of course signs in our body. As much as we try to live a healthy life after a while there is a buildup of toxins in the body which results in bloating, bad skin, lack of enthusiasm and mood swings.

vegetable - toxin - detoxification

1. Mood swings

Stress is the glue for toxins that weaken the body to the extent that there is a lowering of energy in the body which is why enhancing feelings of fear, anxiety, anger, jealousy.

Tip: Learn to relax – this is the most accessible and cheapest cure for stress, treat your body during the day at least three times for ten minutes of peace. Outwit the bad habits in stressful moments and instead of coffee and cigarettes reach for tea and fresh fruit.

2. Flatulence

The hectic pace of living that makes us reach for unhealthy snacks, and precipitated sugars and fats in combination with stress slows down your metabolism and cause poorer digestion and bloating.

In this case suffer hose that does not perform its primary function of absorption of nutrients causing false hunger that results in overeating and ultimately a lack of energy.

Tip: Include in your diet as many ingredients that eliminate toxins from the body, such as lemons, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals, and drink tea from nettle, dandelion and birch.

3. Lack of concentration

A faint indication of poisoning the body with toxins that cause strong reactions in the midst of the lack of concentration which will not only lose the will to work but are unable to panic and thus added to aggravate the situation.

Tip: The body is like a computer which from time to time to restart, do not listen to him there will be a lock. Learn to recognize the symptoms clear that sends you home and give him any kind of exercise, being in nature, socializing, and increased intake of minerals in the body.

4. Poor quality leather

Oily skin and cracked capillaries are the effects of toxins that prevent the passage of nutrients through the epidermis of the skin which leads to clogged pores on the largest organ in our body.

Tip: physical activity, body scrubs and massages introduce into their daily routine, because only in this way can awaken dormant body and lazy skin. Powerful effect on the body with clean healthy drinks.

4. The need for unhealthy food

Unhealthy snacks are habit, and increased need for them is a sign that your body is in danger and he needs stopping cravings for unhealthy. Toxins in food nowadays one of the biggest causes of various diseases of the circulatory system, they are stopping the kidneys and liver.

Tip: For a five-day thorough cleaning with fresh squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates and remove the meat from the diet. Do not forget to remove purchasing drinks that can replace much healthier juices from real fruits and vegetables.


Photo by Gilroy Dispatch community / CC BY

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