Home > Food and Recipes > Foods that cause bloating stomach: Dairy products are not the only one!

Foods that cause bloating stomach: Dairy products are not the only one!

If you are lactose intolerant or have dairy products are not pleasant in any other way, do not take immediately before going to the beach or on special occasions. You can feel the bloating, gas or abdominal pain.


Some foods, even though they are healthy, they can cause bloating. See which foods can cause bloating and stomach discomfort you create if you want to look flawless on the beach, festive events, celebrations.

Carbonated drinks

Although you are probably aware that these drinks are not good for your line, problems can make carbonated water. Avoid bloating and gas occurrence and refrain from carbonated water just before going to the beach.


Very salty foods do not always cause bloating, but with a personality that retains water in the body.

Leafy vegetables

These foods are generally excellent for weight loss, but avoid just before heading to the beach or a special occasion because it can cause bloating.

bubble gum

Chewing gum

Avoid chewing gum whenever you want to look flawless because it can cause stomach bloating.

Sweet cocktails

The beach is sometimes hard to resist if there is pina colada or cocktail with rum, but the sugar found in these drinks is a great enemy for flat stomach.

Dairy products

If you are lactose intolerant or have dairy products are not pleasant in any other way, do not take immediately before going to the beach or on special occasions. You can feel the bloating, gas or abdominal pain.


Photo by Andrew Magill |
Photo by Adrien Leguay / CC BY

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