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Food for perfect waist

The essence of slimness is in the choice of ingredients, not starvation, says David Zinzenko, author of Zero Belly Diet.

perfect waist women

To perfect waist you can reach easily, says David Zinzenko, author of Zero Belly Diet. He says that the essence of the choice of ingredients, and not starvation. He recommends eating:

The whole egg

Do not use only egg whites, but eat and yolk. While you will so enter more calories, and shall provide the body with vitamins that affect the metabolism and burning fat in abdominal area.

Baked potatoes

Avoid French fries, because it is fried on fat, but because the baked potatoes nourishing and reduces appetite.n Oatmeal. It keeps you last up to four hours after breakfast, it’s just that is stored in the traditional way.


Because they are full of vitamins, and do not drink fruit juices because it contains a lot of sugar and are fatal for stomach.


Any high quality piece of meat is good for metabolism. On the other hand, fat with bad meat can destroy the health and beauty.


If you like something to smear the meat, then avoid ketchup and mayonnaise, but opt ​​for mustard. It is aromatic, it has few calories and is good for digestion.


Besides containing water, and then afterwards it longer satisfied, spinach also contains components that successfully reduce appetite.

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