Home > Diet and Fitness > Laziness is no excuse: Gardening instead of the gym!

Laziness is no excuse: Gardening instead of the gym!

In addition to the well-being of your body, gardening is great therapy and as a tranquilizer. And while you’re calm and tighten your yard the best on the block


If you have the privilege to live in a house, not an apartment, here is a great solution. Recent research that has been conducted shows that only 15 minutes you spend digging or doing something else in the garden, your body acts as much as 15 minutes of cycling.

This means improving fitness, strength, weight loss, and tighten the entire body.

  • Excellent training to strengthen muscles
  • Pushing loaded carts, digging, lifting bags of fertilizer, land, or weed…
  • Brilliant burns calories
  • Digging (286 calories an hour), hair grass (350 calories).
  • Great for increased durability

Since it works in the garden activate the muscles of the entire body, experts estimate that 45 minutes of work in the garden is worth the same as a 15-minute bike ride.


Photo by Dana / CC BY

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