Thinking where to go: aerobics, yoga or dance? See which physical activity is appropriate for your blood type.
Scientific studies have shown that the type of sport activities the best choice is according to blood type. Thus, the zero group are prior to intensive sports, while for those with Blood type AB is not recommend excessive fatigue, but moderation in every respect.
The zero blood type
The excess energy you spend on aerobics
If you have this blood type you are a big proponent of physical activity, fitness or exercise. You love sport and do not miss any time and exercise to exhaustion. Physical effort is required by your body, otherwise you are depressed and are easy to put on. You’re trying to achieve certain results and the love and win.
The ideal exercise for you are the ones that are working in this group: aerobics, step – aerobics, exercises for body shaping, dance, martial arts.
Blood type A
Take a bicycle ride, but in society
Your blood type stall team sports. It goes well with colleagues, you smooth out the possible conflict or misunderstanding, and through sports activities will solve the stress but also make new acquaintances, to find like-minded people.
You like yoga, swimming, gymnastics, brisk walking, cycling, skating.
Forget sports that require heavy, exhausting training because all that is just not for you.
Blood type B
Take and practice yoga
If you have this blood type you are great individualists. In sports, as well as life, you are unpredictable and behave as you want. It may be that at the crucial moment of friends leave in the lurch or the complete opposite, save the situation when it is least expected of you.
You like sports where you can practice all alone, or in a group, then to combine, in a group practice yoga or jogging completely alone.
Blood type AB
Suits moderately running
This blood type has a small number of people. You are balanced and calm, and your reaction between are a bit slow and we therefore do not respond sports that require quick reflexes and fast reacting. No matter you are moving and you like long walks. Do not restrict the walls of a fitness club, as you will quickly get bored.
Exercise outdoors in the fresh air. You’re the type of running, vigorous walking, cycling or rolls, ice skating and skiing.
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