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Every other day you take the water, fruits and vegetables and lose a pound a day!

It’s best to implement this diet once a week or multiple times every other day, and foods rich in water are the key.

women eat grape

By water diet you can lose a pound a day. However, it must be carried out every other day and not in the long run, but only occasionally. In fact, this diet is recommended once a week.


A large glass of water or tea or juice. Fruit and juice you can eat and drink as much as you want.

During the morning

Big glasses of water, tea or juice. Several fruit trees, preferably combine different types. Depending on the time of year, most water feature – fall / winter: grapes and citrus; Spring / Summer: melons.


A large glass of water before meals and tea after the meal. The menu consists of raw salad vegetables in quantities as desired, with the addition of vinegar, oil, lemon juice and seasoning to taste. You can add lettuce and olives. You may eat any kind of raw and canned vegetables: asparagus, artichokes, celery, lettuce, carrots, peppers, cucumbers, onions, corn, soybeans, tomatoes …


A large glass of water or tea or juice. A glass of milk or yogurt or 30 grams of cheese or a piece of fruit.


Drink a glass of water before and after eating a cup of tea, 100 grams of meat (chicken, beef) or 150 grams of fish (hake) or one egg with vegetables and fruits.

Caution: Diet must not carry out throughout the week, as it will cause an imbalance in the body. Should be applied usually every other day. And it’s not long, but only occasionally.

Important: Drink at least eight glasses of water a day, a diet should be rich in foods that contain lots of water such as fruits and vegetables.

And finally, keep in mind that no diet is absolutely not good for your health. So, before you move on to a “new” diet, seek medical advice.


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