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Diet for removing fat from the belly hips thighs buttocks

Long time you wanted to wear a mini skirt but you excess fat on the thighs will not allow … or be embarrassed to wear tight shirts because of the fat on your stomach. Maybe you still have most troubling wide hips …

women model

Try a diet that will help you for two weeks, melt the fat with the most critical parts of the body.

If you are not satisfied with the thickness of their thighs, the scope of their profession or their hips, know that you’re not alone. These body parts are critical for almost every woman. And that is called “critical” did not get accidentally by the fact that, even when you’re on the most rigorous dieting, the hardest pounds just removed from those places. Why this is so, we do not know. But I know how to melt fat and finally you have slender legs, slim waist and narrow hips! All you need is to follow the diet, which we present in this issue and moderately but regularly, practice!

Diet for removing fat from the thighs, hips, stomach, purifies the liver

The author of this diet, Anne Louise Gittleman, emphasis on cleansing the liver. Why? Because many harmful substances accumulate in the body, to reduce its power decomposition of fat, which is one of its basic functions. There are several reasons why the liver is not “working” as it should, and the most common are: intake of foods rich in “bad” fats, allergies, excessive secretion of insulin, misuse of alcohol and drugs, of course, frequent exposure to stress. All this results in the deposition of body fat and increase in body weight. What’s good about dietary plan dr Gittleman is that while accelerating weight loss and successfully control the secretion of hormones. So, following this diet will not only look thinner, but you will be healthier!

Diet Plan A – fast melting fat

The best way to start the detoxification of the liver is to remove from your diet foods that adversely affect it, and it will be done within the first two weeks. The forbidden foods include dairy products, cereals, bread, cereal, starchy vegetables, fatty foods, caffeine, carbonated drinks, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, sugar, vinegar and sauces for all meals. You are allowed to eat eggs, lean meat (beef, chicken and turkey), fish, non-starchy vegetables (broccoli, kale …), cranberry juice, and prepare meals using only linseed oil.

It sounds restrictive, but the effect is stunning. In just two weeks, this low-calorie menu will help you to get rid of excess weight quickly, transform body, and most importantly, melt the fat with the most critical parts of the body – waist, thighs and hips. Studies have shown that people who have observed these diets managed to get rid of cellulite and reduce waist size by a whopping 20 cm!

Diet Plan B – continued weight loss

If you managed to push the first two weeks, and still are not satisfied with his reflection in the mirror, there is a continuation of the diet. You may be relieved, but not to completely relax. Diet that follows is less restrictive, but still does not allow you to enjoy the “sinful” foods. Sugar and alcohol are still prohibited, but you can occasionally eat a slice or two of red Hieb, a smaller amount of foods that contain carbohydrates and dairy products. The essence of the menu is not to mix water and vegetables to every meal has at least one protein foods, as well as dairy products do not mix with the meat. There is one rule, and that is that during the meal does not drink the water! With this diet you will continue to lose weight, but not as fast as in the first two weeks.

Moderate exercise when it comes to exercise, etc. Gittleman keeps the principle of “less is more”. As long as you stick to the dietary plan is not recommended for intensive training. Strenuous physical activity could endanger your health and, due to the unbalanced relationship entered and consumed calories, slows down the process of fat burning. Each workout begins with a warm-up exercise for at least 5 minutes. This is followed by skipping rope (5 minutes), after which a maximum of 20 minutes of brisk walking. And finally, take a 5-minute exercises for relaxation.

We have said that this diet plan improves the function of the liver so that the body provides high-quality essential fatty acids, proteins, and “healthy” carbohydrates although low fat, the menu is designed so that both preserves our health and regulating the body-and gasped. Studies have shown that this diet increases the metabolism, increases energy levels, regulate mood swings and solves the problem of insomnia. And with all that in just two weeks, will help you melt the fat with the most critical parts of the body and get rid of cellulite!

PLAN A-2 last week

  • Before breakfast: a glass of warm water with lemon juice
  • Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled with spinach, green pepper, onions and parsley glass of sweetened cranberry juice Snack 1: 12 large grapefruit
  • 20 minutes before lunch: a glass of cranberry juice
  • Lunch: 100 g salmon seasoned with lemon and garlic, cooked asparagus, mixed salad of lettuce, broccoli and cucumber seasoned with 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil, can be found in health food stores.
  • Snack 2: 2 cups unsweetened cranberry juice
  • Brunch at 16 h: 1 apple
  • 20 minutes before dinner: a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice
  • Dinner: 100 g of roasted beef cutlets with a little cinnamon, kale soup, baked zucchini with spicy cloves 1 tablespoon of flax seed oil

Diet plan B lasts until the desired weight

  • Before breakfast: a glass of warm water with lemon juice
  • Breakfast: cocktail squeezed vegetables, scrambled eggs 2 egg with 60 g turkey breast
  • Snack 1: 1/2 cup chopped melon, 1/2 cup ricotta cheese
  • 20 minutes before lunch: a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice
  • Lunch: a plate of soup, a vegetable without pasta, 1/2 cup brown rice, salad of celery and purple onion seasoned with 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, apple vinegar, ginger
  • Snack 2: 2 cups unsweetened cranberry juice
  • Brunch at 16 h: 1 apple, 30 g mozzarella 20 minutes before dinner: cup sweetened cranberry juice
  • Dinner: 120 g of boiled fish seasoned with lemon, ginger and pepper, cooked asparagus, 1 small boiled potato topped with 1/2 teaspoon of flaxseed.


Photo by Joseph Villanueva / CC BY

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