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Hair detoxification

We wrote about the detoxification of the whole body, liver and even love life, and now you will learn how to make a hair detoxification treatment for your hair.

hair detoxification

Hair detoxification will bring out all the harmful substances that accumulate in the hair, making it dry and cracked, that will be of great help to the clay that will help to restore your hair shine and healthy volume.

The treatment that we will present the most effective for hair that is naturally oily hair because incredibly well clear of fat, but also can not get it working, and those whose hair is dry or even slightly curly.

With clay detox hair treatment you will need a herbal tea which depends on the color of your hair.

If you have light hair cook tea mixture of chamomile and nettle while for darker hair you need tea rosemary and nettles.

Detox clay mask


  • A cup of herbal tea
  • ½ cup vinegar apple
  • ¾ cup bentonite clay
  • 10 drops of essential oil of your choice

Cooled tea and vinegar into the blender and slowly add spoon by spoon clay until smooth mixture density of about yogurt. Finally, add essential oil, stir briefly and store in a plastic bottle.

Apply the mask to damp hair starting from the roots to the tips of the hair. Leave the mask to act 5-20 minutes (be careful not to dry the hair) and rinse with lukewarm water.

Note: bentonite clay should not come in contact with metal.

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