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How to deal with sudden weather changes?

Hot chocolate can improve your mood.

weather changes and couple

Sudden weather changes indirectly affect our mood. Do not be surprised if your mood changes from hour to hour.

At the time, we can not influence, but the mood certainly can. Regardless of the fact that the days are shorter and colder, you can and should remain a good mood.

Many things can improve your mood, there’s no reason to come to terms with the bad mood during sudden weather changes.


Exercise is the best thing you can do for your mood. Numerous studies have shown that exercise releases hormones of happiness, and reduces the level of stress hormones.

Drink hot chocolate

The hot chocolate is much more than a warm drink that heats up during the cold winter days. It has been shown that hot chocolate improves mood. Choose chocolate with at least 70% cocoa because it will have a beneficial effect on your physical health.

More often stick with sex

Sex is a free and fun way for you to improve your mood, and the cold days of winter are the ideal conditions to enjoy under the sheets. It has been shown that sex does not necessarily achieve orgasm stimulates the release of endorphins, hormones that make you happy.

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