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Do you love peppers?

Peppers are foods which is currently at the peak of the season. Very delicious, can be prepared in many different ways and most importantly are full of vitamins and minerals that we need to be healthy.


All kinds of peppers are a rich source of vitamins C, A, potassium, folate and fiber, and contain very few calories. They come in various shapes and colors, each of which is very healthy. It is best to eat in the fresh form but frozen, canned and dried will also come in handy.

When it comes to colors, red peppers are the richest in vitamins because they were the longest lineage and absorb maximum sunlight, green peppers are harvested earlier, before they become yellow or red and so they probably have the least nutrients, particularly beta-carotene and vitamin C.

Preparation pepper

When it comes to cooking, the peppers are very grateful foods, you can prepare them in a thousand different ways, you can cook them or eat them raw. Raw peppers can be chopped and added to cold sauces, vegetable or pasta salads.

Roasted peppers are certainly one of the favorite methods of preparation, and it is simple. Wash and dry the peppers and put them to roast on the grill or in the oven until the crust becomes almost black. Afterwards, warm in a plastic bag to Potpara. Take them out of the bag, peel the skin, clean them from seeds and pour in your favorite dressing. We love to make it as simple as possible, so we recommend dressing just salt, pepper, olive oil, vinegar and garlic.

Peppers course you can recharge, vegetables or meat, put them to bake in the oven or cook in a wonderful tomato sauce. You can cook with onions for meat sauces, soups or broth, are really helpful and make sure you use them in such large quantities bar while the season lasts.

Peppers for Weight Loss

In hot peppers is a substance called capsaicin that has been shown to suppress appetite and metabolism, which are two key points when weight loss is concerned. However you should know that hot peppers are not a magic wand that will remove excess pounds, but you can only help them to go faster.

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