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Six great recipes for cherished and sensual lips

With the arrival of fall protection of lips changes because they chill and wind is drying them out. In addition, they can be damaged by the irregular care.

lips with sugar

It is recommended that once a week to make exfoliation to remove dead cells from the lips and encourage faster recovery, but these should not be exaggerated. Too often rubbing accelerates dehydration.


Sugar is a great addition to peeling, it is best to mix half a teaspoon of sugar and two drops of olive oil and rub well.


For preparation of peels are needed teaspoon of cream, a scoop of white sugar, teaspoon ground almonds and a scoop of olive oil. Combine all ingredients, mix, almonds and above you can grind in coffee grinder or mortar. Apply the scrub to your lips and gently rub the skin with circular movements. Lips then wash with warm and cold water and pat dry. Put the rest of the mixture into a glass container and refrigerate.


For a natural remedy for the removal of dead skin cells are excellent citrus. In a bowl put a tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of castor oil mixed with glycerin. The mixture should be applied to the lips and leave it overnight and rinse in the morning.


In a bowl put half a teaspoon of cream or lotion, 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground coffee and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Massage the mixture into the lip and then rinse with lukewarm water.


Honey is also a friend of beautiful lips as cleanses the skin and is antibacterial. Place in a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of brown or white sugar and a few drops of water and massage the lips. Subsequently oral rinse with warm water and feed moisturizer.

Oat flakes

In a bowl, add two tablespoons of olive oil, two tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of oats. Apply the mixture on your lips and gently rub about half a minute. Leave for about five minutes, then rinse.


Photo by Amanda CC BY

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