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Get rid of pimples caused by waxing

All women at least once in their lives felt the disadvantage of creating a painful pimples after waxing razor. It does not matter whether you are using an expensive depilation razor and shaving gel, they simply appear, they are very painful, ugly looking, and we know how they can be prevented and treated.

waxing women

No extruding!

This is absolutely forbidden! Pimples can not be extruded even if you have a small white dot in the middle that recalls the adolescent pimples. This is the way your body is struggling with a bacterial inflammation of the hair follicles. Leave a pimple to heal itself and avoid waxing this area in the next few days.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is used to the pimple and it gathered not only to promote the removal of dead skin cells that do not allow air to reach the root of the hair, but also kills the bacteria that cause redness. Aspirin contains salicylic acid, and if you do not have at hand a cream for pimples crumble one aspirin, mix it with water and the resulting paste, brush the sore area.


Hydrocortisone nourishes and softens the skin that is affected by inflammation due waxing. It also promotes hydration and prevents itching. Hydrocortisone can be bought in pharmacies without a prescription. Use it twice a day, but not for a longer period because it could lead to undesirable effects such as rash.


The best way to get rid of pimples, is certainly prevention. The best thing would be to use razors fixed with tape with an agent that hydrates the skin. Before you start with waxing sure to soak these parts of the body in water to soften the hair root, and then make a slight peeling of the skin. When applying shaving gel, leave it to stand on the skin for several minutes before you start with the use of razors. Razor drag in the direction of hair growth after waxing the skin (especially the bikini area). Apply an antibiotic cream for pimples and avoid synthetic materials.

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