Home > Beauty > Efficient home recipe for hair growth: Make a mask of banana and honey

Efficient home recipe for hair growth: Make a mask of banana and honey

Honey for hair growth is extremely useful, because it has a large amount of nutrients and vitamins E, K, C, B1, B2 and B6, and bananas are great help in the fight against the cracked parts.

hair growth -honey mask

Eggs, bananas, honey and beer are great for the health of your hair, and here’s why.

Eggs are good for hair growth because they contain almost all amino acids and lecithin. Protect the hair from damage and prevents dandruff.

Bananas are beneficial for your hair because they contain vitamins and natural oils. They give hair elasticity, shine and softness. Great help in the fight against the cracked areas.

Honey for hair growth is extremely useful, because it has a large amount of nutrients and vitamins E, K, C, B1, B2 and B6. That is what is important for hair growth, its beauty and healthy skin. It gives the hair shine and softness. Helps with hair loss, relieves dandruff and tones the scalp.

Beer for hair growth is also very useful. It contains malt, hops and yeast and B-group vitamins in large quantities, micronutrients such as iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, which are great for strengthening and growth of hair. A vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the scalp.

A mask for the hair growth

Ingredients: 1 banana, 1 egg (or just the yolk), 1 tablespoon honey, 1/2 cup dark beer

Put all ingredients in a blender and make a mask. Apply it on your hair, wrap and hold 1-2 hours. After that wash your hair as usual. It is recommended that this mask for hair growth you should apply it once a week.


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